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Open Skate Dates

February 22nd 3:00-5:00pm

USA Hockey Now Requires ALL players to wear Neck Guards

LYHA Gun Raffle Fundraiser

La Crescent Youth Hockey is located in La Crescent, Minnesota, a community of approximately 5,000 people nestled in the beautiful bluffs of southeastern Minnesota. La Crescent is the Apple Capitol of Minnesota. Our venue is the wonderful La Crescent Community Arena.

Our association is made up entirely of volunteers providing youth hockey opportunities to boys and girls of all ages throughout the region; including the communities of La Crescent, Caledonia, and Houston.  La Crescent Hockey is dedicated to providing a youth hockey program that promotes skill development, teamwork, sportsmanship and FUN. 

If your son or daughter is interested in learning more about our great program please contact any one of the association board members.

Social Media Links:

LiveBarn at La Crescent Community Arena

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For more information visit

La Crescent Community Arena

520 South 14th Street
La Crescent, Minnesota 55947

(507) 895-4160

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